Grill Chef

Компания: Roble Ltd
Вид работа: Пълен работен ден
Заплата: 5 EUR/Час
Заплата бележки: Depending on experience
Индустрия: Кетъринг и хотелиерство
Район/Квартал: Sliema

We are looking for a young Chef able to work on Grilled Meat, and Food Preparation.

Must be clean and organized. Must have experience: he /she is required to have a minimum of 3 years’ experience working in a Latin-American kitchen, and in a busy environment. Willing to work flexible hours including weekends.

In this job you will need to work quickly and calmly when under pressure. We need a team worker, we are young smiling people working together and the chef needs to be in the same good attitude to be able to lead the team and make clients happy.

He/she should be able to communicate in English and the knowledge of Spanish is required too.

He/she needs possess an EU passport. Interested applicants should email c/v and a recent photo.


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