Journalismus in Griechenland | 2025-02-11
Ζητούνται εργαζόμενοι από το χώρο τους ως Chat operatos. Παρέχεται εκπαίδευση δωρεάν με υπολογιστή και ίντερνετ. Ελεύθερο ωράριο. Χωρίς προϋπηρεσία. Εβδομαδιαία πληρωμή…
Journalismus in Griechenland
Camp Betreuer in Griechenland | 2025-02-17
We Never Stop looking !!! Are you looking for a job for the Summer Season 2025 ? AnimaWork is Looking for experienced Chief Animators... Candidates should be matching with the…
Camp Betreuer in Griechenland
La société AnimaWork recherche des animateurs, avec ou sans expérience, à se joindre à notre équipe. Les candidats doivent avoir les caractéristiques suivantes: - Avoir au moins…
Camp Betreuer in Kreta | 2025-02-17
AnimaWork is looking for miniclub entertainers for Summer season 2025. European Union Candidates Only !! Working abroad is a fantastic opportunity to combine a rewarding childcare…
Camp Betreuer in Kreta
Camp Betreuer in Rhodos | 2025-02-17
Position: Polish entertainers/animators summer 2025 Działająca od lat Agencja Animacyjna AnimaWork poszukuje nowych animatorów z doświadczeniem lub bez z krajów takich jak:…
Camp Betreuer in Rhodos
Architekten in Griechenland | 2025-02-16
Project Manager that has a clear track record of delivering Major Civil Engineering & Marine Projects for International Main Contractors. You will be involved in Major Tenders…
Architekten in Griechenland
Sport & Freizeit in Korfu | 2025-02-15
If you are passionate about performing and entertaining, then we have the perfect opportunity for you to join one of our entertaining team this Summer Season from April till…
Sport & Freizeit in Korfu
Restaurants in Samos (Ikaria) | 2025-02-13
We are a small hotel at Samos,Pythagorion looking for a cleaning woman, part time job for summer 2025.English language is a must....................................
Restaurants in Samos (Ikaria)
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