happy with your life? clinical psychologist/psychotherapist

Job-Typ: Teilzeit
Branche: Gesundheit


Tired of bumping against the same stone...


·          Empower new beliefs...

·          Learn technics to make changes last...

·          Express your needs without conflicts...  


What are you waiting for?

Uproot self-defeating beliefs and Other roadblocks to happiness.


Elena ter Glane, PhD

·          Clinical Psychologist/Psychotherapist/Life Coach

·          English/Spanish/Portuguese/Català

By appointment only.


Cansado de buscar respuestas a tus malestares?

  • Establecete límites.
  • Expresa tus necesidades.
  • Aprende técnicas que empoderen tus nuevas creencias.


A qué esperas? Descarta viejas creencias y libérate para conseguir lo que deseas.

Elena ter Glane, PhD

·          Clinical Psychologist/Psychotherapist/Life Coach

·          English/Spanish/Portuguese/Catalá



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