Posted in: Finance in Washington | Posted: |
Title: Financial Analyst
Location: Richland, WA
Type: Contract/ Full Time
Position Description
•Experience with internal control testing as required by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-123
•Preparation of independent financial and labor related assessments that focus on compliance requirements including planning, scheduling, and coordination of reviews
•Bachelor’s degree in accounting
•8 years of relevant experience in Accounting or Auditing
•Knowledge of Federal Government and DOE accounting policies and procedures
•Knowledge of Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and the DOE FAR Supplement (DEAR)
•Proficiency with MS Office tools
•Excellent verbal and written communications skills
Note: If interested please send your updated resume and include your rate requirement along with your contact details with a suitable time when we can reach you. If you know of anyone in your sphere of contacts, who would be a perfect match for this job then, we would appreciate if you can forward this posting to them with a copy to us.
We look forward to hearing from you at the earliest!