Therapist Counselling and General Hypnotherapist

회사: Healing Summit Hypnotherapy
직업 유형: Full-time
산업: Healthcare
지역/이웃: Udine

Welcome! Hi! a very warm welcome to my page.
About me:

I am a Registered Online Therapist Practitioner, General Hypnotherapist and Health Practitioner, in a private practice since 2008 

I believe that each person has the answers within themselves. I help my patients to choose their own path, honour their values, and access their truths. My personal style is honest, respectful and non-judgmental. My passion for my profession and my love for people has brought me success in this rewarding profession to help others to achieve happiness, health and wellness.
Please feel free to contact with me for a no obligation 10 min free telephonic consultation to arrange an appointment and read through my webpage and have a better understanding of what I do on the link below 

Loredana Casola
게시한 사람:
 Loredana Casola
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